A better structured GROUP APPROACH


In the new Huntington Beach building, a lighting system automatically adjusts to the amount of natural light and a system opens skylights in offices.


Rainwater is recovered for the sanitary facilities at the Canelands plant in South Africa, helping to safeguard a scarce resource and improving workplace comfort for employees.

Environment: four key strands

Environmental performance, chemical management, integration of environmental considerations in design and development, and management of ISO 14001 are the four key strands of the Group's environmental policy. Each is broken down into mandatory targets or left to the initiative of the business unit, depending on their environmental impact. There are some fifty targets in total, half of which are mandatory. Deadlines, reporting, review frequency and the person responsible are defined for each target.

To support this initiative, Zodiac Aerospace has implemented a number of procedures and standards pertaining, for example, to chemical substance management and selection criteria, management reviews, and inter-unit audits. In all, 92% of business units use the shared Dashboard for reporting environmental data.

Creating a database to share best practices

Since spring 2014, the Group's Best Practices Database has provided business units with access to the best and most reproducible initiatives. Within five months of its launch, the database contained more than a dozen best practices. These included the installation of dust extraction systems, rainwater collection and selective tree-watering at the plant in Chihuahua, Mexico, for a monthly water saving of 800 m3, and the use of solar panels to power the outdoor lighting at the Grombalia plant in Tunisia, generating savings of 46,000 kWh/year and avoiding the emission of 25.1 tonnes of CO2 eq. Meanwhile, in Ars, France, the use of digital tablets has reduced the need to print plans and administrative documents, saving more than 200 reams of paper per year Another initiative that has contributed to employee comfort is the recovery of rainwater for the sanitary facilities at the Canelands plant in South Africa, which employs mostly women and is located in a region of water stress.