Continuing its growth, Zodiac Seats has substantially overhauled its offer, always at the cutting edge of technology, and strengthened its industrial capacity to meet the needs of its expanding markets. Highlights of the year are the development of a number of “first in series” programs, major orders, and a sharp increase in deliveries in the second half.
New programs, new products
As one of the first Boeing B 787-9 customers, Air New Zealand took delivery in summer 2014 of all the seats (5751, 5810, UCS3) for its first aircraft, swiftly followed by Virgin for its business class seats (UCS3). Another “first in series” program is the Airbus A350 XWB for which the certification aircraft has been equipped with the Z300 for economy class.
Zodiac Seats has continued to deliver seats for the Boeing B777-300 for American Airlines for all seat classes (Flagship, Cirrus, 5751), for the Airbus A380 for Emirates (Skylounge and 5751), Lufthansa (first class) and Air France, and for the Airbus A330 for the South American (Avianca, TAM) and Chinese (China Eastern) airlines. Meanwhile the economy class Z85 seat, certified in 2014 for Boeing B737 and Airbus A320, was delivered toJAL in Japan. This helped JAL to win the Good Design Award for its economy class.
A very healthy order book
Numerous commercial successes were scored in 2013/2014, particularly for new long-haul aircraft - the Boeing B787 for Air China, Air France KLM and Virgin, and the Airbus A350 XWB for Cathay Pacific, China Airlines, Lufthansa, Singapore Airlines and Vietnam Airlines - consolidating the positioning of Zodiac Seats as world leader in the sector. In addition, for single-aisle aircraft, contracts were signed with low-cost carriers or fast-developing countries: Pegasus and Sun Express for the Z85. Zodiac Seats has also been retained as benchmark supplier by Embraer for all seats (Z85, Slim, Close comfort) on the E2, its new regional aircraft, and by Mitsubishi for all seats (Slim, Close comfort) on its MPJ that is under development.
Another success in regional aviation is the Premium Economy seat for the APJ 21 of China's Comac.
The maintenance center in Atlanta provides after-sales support for Zodiac Seats, for example for US Airways for its Cirrus seats and Delta for its Cirrus and Vantage seats. Zodiac Aerospace Services has started to provide services to American Airlines for he Flagship2 seats on its Boeing B777 aircraft.
74 | TRAVEL JOURNAL 2013/2014