Zodiac Aerospace stock continues to improve

Division by five of the share's par value on February 24, 2014.

€1.35 reported net earnings per share excluding IFRS 3

€0.32 net dividend per share proposed to the general meeting of shareholders

€24.82 share closing price at August 29, 2014

Division of share's par value

At its meeting on January 8, 2014, the Combined General Meeting of Zodiac Aerospace shareholders voted to divide the par value of each company share by five in order to increase the stock's liquidity and make its shares more accessible to individual shareholders.
Consequently, at the close of the stockmarket on February 24, 2014, each outstanding share was exchanged for five new shares under the same settlement terms, with no change to the share capital.
The operation incurred no costs, required no formalities on the part of Zodiac Aerospace shareholders, and had no impact on shareholder rights. The new number of shares and net earnings per share reflected this adjustment.

Share price rise

The 11.6% increase in the Zodiac Aerospace share price in 2013/2014 was 1.3 percentage points higher than the SBF120 index over the same period (+10.3%). This was due first and foremost to a favorable environment resulting from the increase in air traffic and aircraft production. Despite the impact on results of the temporary difficulties experienced by Galleys & Equipment in the first half and Seats in the second, Zodiac Aerospace still recorded operating income growth on a like-for-like consolidation scope and exchange rate basis.
While unfavorable exchange rates, particularly between the dollar and euro, had a major impact on the results for the period, their improvement at the end of the year was well received by the markets.

Investor information

The Group's website, www.zodiacaerospace.com, has a dedicated shareholders section which includes the financial calendar, stock price, press releases and preparatory documents for the general meeting of shareholders. Information can be viewed in two clicks on any device (computer, tablet orsmartphone).
The website also features information on the Group and its strategy, positioning, commitment to sustainable development and product offering via a comprehensive, illustrated directory of its systems and products.
Zodiac Aerospace also uses social media (twitter@ZodiacAero and Linkedln) to communicate information about its results, commercial successes and participation at trade shows and other events.

Share capital

At August 31, 2014, Zodiac Aerospace's share capital stood at €11,537373 divided into 288,151,220 shares.
Zodiac Aerospace shares are listed on Euronext Paris. Zodiac Aerospace is part of the Euronext CAC NEXT 20 index, which comprises the 20 biggest companies in terms of free-float market capitalization after those of the CAC 40.
Zodiac Aerospace shares are also included in a number of multi-sector market indices:

Euronext 100,
CAC Aerospace & Defense,
CAC Industrials,
CAC Large 60,
Dow Jones Euro Stoxx,
Dow Jones Euro Stoxx Industrial,
Dow Jones Global Industrials,
Dow Jones Stoxx 600,
Euronext Next 150,
and SBF80.

Zodiac Aerospace shares are eligible for the deferred settlement service (SRD - Service de règlement différé) and employee savings plan (PEA).
In the ICB27 classification system, the shares are listed under Supersector 2700 - Industrial Goods & Services - and Sector 2710 - Aerospace & Defense.

• Euronext/ISIN code:

• Ticker symbol: ZC

27 Industry Classification Benchmark

100 | TRAVEL JOURNAL 2013/2014