A collective challenge
A major issue that is addressed in the Environment and Risks Charter, which is lowering greenhouse gas emissions, involves an annual 1 % reduction in energy consumed by buildings and by production processes.
Energy: consume better, consume less
In most buildings, the insulation, equipment insulation and heat recovery, compressors for example, contribute to better energy efficiency and decrease emissions. As for new buildings, such as the Zodiac Aircraft Systems offices in Montreuil or Zodiac Cabin & Structures plants in Cypress, California and Montreal, Canada, they integrate solutions to consume less energy and emit less CO2 in their initial designs: increased insulation, natural lighting, high-efficiency ventilation systems, etc. Energy efficient equipment is also important. The Zodiac Cabin & Structures plant in Huntington Beach is developing, in partnership with its electricity suppliers, three projects based on an energy management system to reduce energy use, especially during busy periods, as well as for more efficient compressors and pump motors. Objective: save more than 270 MWh per year, which is 9% of energy use at the site, and reduce energy bills.
Increased insulation, natural lighting and high-efficiency ventilation systems: the new Zodiac Cabin & Structures building in Cypress, California, is designed to integrate more simple energy solutions and emit less CO2.
Designed in compliance with the high environmental quality standards known as HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale), the Zodiac Aircraft Systems building in Montreuil opened its doors in July 2013.