Mobilization for safety at the workplace
The Group gives top priority to workplace safety and aims to reduce accident risks to zero. For all entities, it encourages local initiatives to improve workplace health and safety. This is the case, for example, for the cutting system, developed by a Zodiac Aerosafety multidisciplinary team in Belmar in the US, which greatly reduces the risk of burns and cuts when cutting very small pieces.
Worldwide, priority given to safety and risk prevention supports stronger communication of “near accidents”, to make employees aware of their role in safety matters and to reduce the probability of a serious accident. In Thailand, with the program “Don't walk by...Act Now”, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment employees have been trained to identify “near accidents” via a system of colored cards, to report them easily to the Health and Safety Environment department for analysis and action. “Near accidents” and their displays are presented during daily meetings in workshops. Two other entities -Zodiac Services in Atlanta in the US and Zodiac Aerosafety in Caudebec-les-Elbeuf in France -have opted for an online feedback system while the entity Zodiac Aircraft Systems based in Lancaster in the US trained all employees in “safety behaviors” and then challenge them to report two events each month that seemed to them “abnormal” for safety. Many other initiatives are being taken to prevent dangerous situations, in particular the organization of safety issues during the daily or weekly meetings.
Prevention of potentially dangerous situations is also improved by sharing of information and feedback between the entities, in particular through the development of an internal document on accidents ("near accidents”, first aid or accidents). Sharing experiences and best practices are also ensured by the French and North American Safety Committees, which examine Group directives and standards and underscore certain specific regulatory aspects.
Detailed information on commitments for Human Resources can be found in the section “Corporate Social Responsibility” on page 28 of the 2012/2013 Annual Report.
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