JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 75

equivalent properties. Conversely, when using the full layer-by-layer approach, a complete set of stress and strain results are calculated for each layer independently in the layer coordinate system. For this reason, the use of equivalent properties in design analysis can significantly shorten the overall CPU time and memory needed for the simulation. The options and advantages of equivalent properties for design are considered below. The homogenization process has benefits beyond the speedier calculations. Some of these benefits are described in a companion article by Tsai and Papila entitled: “Homogenization made easy with bi-angle thin-ply NCF” [1]. One of the key comparisons between the failure envelopes of ply-by-ply and equivalent models is shown below.

Fig. 3: Failure envelopes calculated using homogenized equivalent properties as compared with ply-by-ply properties [1]

and degradation has not been validated. Element formation and stress recovery times both have a functional dependence on n, the number of layers in the laminate. However, the speedup will always be less than n because both element formation and stress recovery also have a constant time based on the element type. So both components have an operation count (and thus computation time) with a functional dependence of the form (a+bn). Even with this consideration, the speedup time is usually significant, especially when the number of layers in the laminate is large. In addition to the element formation and stress recovery time, the other major contributor to the total solution time is the solution of the linear system of equations. The linear equation solution time is exactly

particular composite problem. Significant speedups in total solution time and in memory requirements directly provide greater throughput in composite design. For an n layer laminate, the use of effective laminate properties (classical laminate theory) vs. n layer ply-by-ply provides benefits by: - Speedup of element formation time (faster x (af +bf n)/(af + bf)) - Speedup of element stress recovery (faster x (ar + brn)/(ar + br))

Fig. 4: Sample problem to compare finite element solution performance for equivalent properties vs. ply-by-ply properties. Shell model with 54543 shell elements, 55051 nodes and 64 layers

The use of equivalent properties is limited to linear analysis. This means that first ply failure (FPF) may be predicted when using equivalent properties, but nonlinear effects such as progressive damage or delamination are not considered at this time. Current approaches for deformation beyond FPF are empirical, i.e. a degradation or damage parameter is required to characterize the severity of the damage to the material. This sort of damage parameter is used in ply-byply modelling to calculate the incremental effects of damage and material degradation. An equivalent property approach for damage

the same for both options (equivalent properties and ply-by-ply properties), because the total number of degrees of freedom (DOF) is the same in both cases. Any overall speedup comes from the element formation and stress recovery speedup, and there is also a benefit from reduced memory requirements using equivalent properties because of the reduced solution data when using equivalent properties. What does this mean for composite design? When designing composites, and in particular when it involves optimization, many solution iterations are often required. Each iteration involves a full solution of a

No68 October 2011 / jec composites magazine
References [1] Papila, M., & Tsai, S. (2011). Homogenization made easy with bi-angle thin-ply NCF. JCM n°68 October 2011 [2] Tsai, S. W. (2008). Theory of Composites Design. Think Composites.

Fig. 4 shows an example involving a typical composite panel (reinforced shell with stringers and cutouts). The shell model has a total of 54543 shell elements, 55051 nodes and 64 layers. Comparing an analysis using equivalent properties with the layer-by-layer approach shows the advantages of using equivalent properties in this example: - Element formation speedup: 11.4/1 - Stress recovery speedup: 17.1/1 - Equation solution speedup: 1/1 - Total solution time speedup: 5.0/1 - Total memory reduction: 3.8/1 Each iteration of a design optimization analysis will show similar improvement. Overall solution and memory reduction leads to an approximate speedup of 5 times. This level of benefit shows the power of using equivalent properties for design. n More information:


Feature bi-angle NCF


JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011

Point of view: Manufacturing in India
Agenda of Events
- In Brief
- Carbon - Melbourne establishes its position in the carbon fibre sector
- Pipes - Amiantit Technology, next-level GRP pipe technology
- Marine - Beachcomber, the marine product specialist
- Construction - New architectural hotel facade designed in GRP
- Automotive - New Pilot Super Sport tyre reinforced with para-aramid fibre
- Pipes - Microtunneling jacking pipes for a combined sewage collector in France
- Canada - Canadian Advanced Composites R&D centre continues to grow
- Basalt - Continuous basalt fibre (CBF): a natural fibre for composite applications
- Sustainability - Bilan carbon inventory: factor of competitiveness
Special JEC Asia 2011: the place to be!
- The amazing bi-angle thin-ply NCF
- C-PLY™, a new structural approach to multiaxials in composites
- Characterization of the equivalent unidirectional thin ply from NCF
- First prepreg of bi-angle NCF and their mechanical properties
- Pultrusion and Resin Film Infusion (RFI) of bi-angle thin-ply NCF
- Representative test data on bi-angle thin-ply NCF
- Processing bi-angle non-crimp fabrics
- Thin-ply NCF: design for deformation through anisotropy
- Performance enhancement by using a bi-angle composite sandwich beam
- Homogenization made easy with biangle thin-ply NCF
- First and last ply failure predictions by homogenized strength parameters
- Equivalent properties for finite element analysis in composite design
- Predicting the OHT strength of NCF composites
- Thin-ply NCF: design for deformation through anisotropy
- Thin-ply NCF: design for deformation through anisotropy
- Filament winding - Development of full composite propulsion systems for UAV take-off
- Aeronautics - Managing EMI grounding & lightning strike protection
- Sustainability - Natural-fibre pultruded composites – a revolutionary new wood substitute
- LFT-PP - New coloured, nonhalogenated flame-retardant LFT-PP products
In the world
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - Cover
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 2
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - Edito
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - Point of view: Manufacturing in India
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 5
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - Contents
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 7
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - Ad1
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - Ad2
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - Agenda of Events
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 9
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - In Brief
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Carbon - Melbourne establishes its position in the carbon fibre sector
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Pipes - Amiantit Technology, next-level GRP pipe technology
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 13
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Marine - Beachcomber, the marine product specialist
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 15
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Construction - New architectural hotel facade designed in GRP
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 17
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Automotive - New Pilot Super Sport tyre reinforced with para-aramid fibre
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Pipes - Microtunneling jacking pipes for a combined sewage collector in France
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 20
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Canada - Canadian Advanced Composites R&D centre continues to grow
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Basalt - Continuous basalt fibre (CBF): a natural fibre for composite applications
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 23
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 24
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 25
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Sustainability - Bilan carbon inventory: factor of competitiveness
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 27
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 28
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 29
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 30
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 31
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 32
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - Special JEC Asia 2011: the place to be!
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JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - BGCover
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JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - BG74
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - The amazing bi-angle thin-ply NCF
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 52
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - C-PLY™, a new structural approach to multiaxials in composites
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 54
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Characterization of the equivalent unidirectional thin ply from NCF
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 56
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - First prepreg of bi-angle NCF and their mechanical properties
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 58
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Pultrusion and Resin Film Infusion (RFI) of bi-angle thin-ply NCF
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 60
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Representative test data on bi-angle thin-ply NCF
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 62
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 63
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Processing bi-angle non-crimp fabrics
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 65
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Thin-ply NCF: design for deformation through anisotropy
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 67
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Performance enhancement by using a bi-angle composite sandwich beam
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 69
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Homogenization made easy with biangle thin-ply NCF
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 71
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - First and last ply failure predictions by homogenized strength parameters
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 73
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Equivalent properties for finite element analysis in composite design
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 75
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Predicting the OHT strength of NCF composites
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 77
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Thin-ply NCF: design for deformation through anisotropy
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 79
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 80
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Thin-ply NCF: design for deformation through anisotropy
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 82
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 83
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Filament winding - Development of full composite propulsion systems for UAV take-off
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JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 88
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Aeronautics - Managing EMI grounding & lightning strike protection
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 90
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 91
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - Sustainability - Natural-fibre pultruded composites – a revolutionary new wood substitute
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - - LFT-PP - New coloured, nonhalogenated flame-retardant LFT-PP products
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 94
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 95
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - Index
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 97
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - In the world
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 99
JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE - Issue #68 Special JEC Asia - October 2011 - 100