Equipment Twelve stages of information System capacities The Rapa G3 system handles oversized parts that can become deformed by their own flexion, and also parts with complex geometries. It can support different applications and processes. The system offers seven stages of precision 3D production and finishing according to ISO 9001: 1. Scanning of leading and trailing edges to position the blade and its edges relative to the anchor point; 2. Milling of blade edges to remove excess material; 3. Measurement and digital documentation of chord thickness and leading-edge thickness for the entire blade; 4. Inspection of blade surface and sub-surface for defects in multiple light spectrums; 5. Repair of defects; 6. Drilling of mounting holes for lighting conductors; 7. Two different surface treatments for paint application. The system offers twelve stages of precision production processing, finishing and documentation: 1. 3D scanning of leading and trailing edges to position the blade and its edges relative to the anchor point; 2. Milling of blade edges to remove excess material; 3. Measurement of leading-edge thickness along the entire blade; 4. Measurement of chord thickness for the entire blade; 5. Visible light spectrum inspection of blade surface; 6. Ultra-violet light spectrum inspection of blade surface anomalies; 7. Thermal spectrum inspection for sub-surface defects; 8. Drilling to open defective areas; 9. Injection of adhesive into defective areas (manual); 10. Sanding of injected areas; 11. Drilling of mounting holes for lighting conductors; 12. Two different surface treatments for paint application. More information: No54 January 2010 / jec composites magazine