Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - (Page 46)
Acting together for gender equality in
Syndicat mixte de gestion de la
maison de l'information sur la
formation et l'emploi
€120,253.25 ESF
«Acting together for gender equality in Franche-Comté» is an innovative project focusing
on removing obstacles to gender equality, by going beyond simply raising awareness of
this subject. The concrete activities undertaken by this programme include the creation of
« There is no finer investment
awareness building resources and support with efforts to ensure gender equality within
than parental leave for a man »
companies (including more balanced recruitment, promoting best practices when it comes
Marija Milosevic, Human Resources
to reconciling private and professional life, promoting access for women to positions of
Manager, AUCHAN.
hématique "Amélioration de l'accès à l'emploi et de la durabilité" solidarity economy, etc.) and building and organising a pioneering
thématique "Amélioration de l'accès à l'emploi et de la in the social
responsibility durabilité"
inter-company network focusing on gender equality in the North and in Franche-Comté.
35 % %
22 % %
€ 1715.6 M M
€ 1715.6
€ 203.4 M M
€ 203.4
Percentage of theof the ERDF ERDF programming for the
Percentage total total programming for the
competitiveness objective devoted to the theme of of
competitiveness objective devoted to the theme
"Improving access to employment and sustainability"
"Improving access to employment and sustainability"
Percentage of theof the ERDF ERDF programming for the
Percentage total total programming for the
convergence objective devoted to the theme of "Improving
convergence objective devoted to the theme of "Improving
access to employment and sustainability"
access to employment and sustainability"
Over the 2007-2013 period, 387 projects were supported by the ERDF in metropolitan France in the field of access to employment, i.e.
around a dozen projects each year. This is not surprising given the fact that this theme is not a priority within the ERDF programme.
These projects received an average of €71,430 of ERDF funding.
On the other hand, for the ESF this theme was one of the key priorities of the 2007-2013 programming period, with heading 2 of the
national OP stating the objective to «improve access to employment for jobseekers». With this in mind, more than 17,000 projects
were programmed thanks to support from the ESF in metropolitan France and 779 projects in the OMR. In all, 17,781 projects were
covered by the scope of the «improving access to employment» theme, i.e. more than 2,540 projects per year with average ESF
funding of €100,700 in metropolitan France and €260,000 in the OMR. Furthermore, more than 2 million participants benefited from
activities jointly financed by the ESF under this heading in metropolitan France.
Throughout the whole of France, the projects were chiefly implemented with the aim of introducing active and preventive measures in
the labour market (10,421 projects in metropolitan France and 529 in the OMR). Numerous projects also sought to support freelancing
and company creation, with 2,810 projects in this field in metropolitan France and 141 in the OMR.
Between 2007 and 2013, 35% of the total ESF budgetary envelope programme in metropolitan France was devoted to this theme,
totalling €1.715 billion of ESF funding. This is the theme most highly represented within the ESF programming for the regional
Competitiveness and Employment objective. With this in mind, more than €1 billion of ESF funding were programmed for projects
aimed at implementing active and preventive measures in the labour market, which were the activities most frequently supported
within this theme.
In the OMR, 22% of the ESF budgetary envelope programmed in these regions was focused on this theme, for a total of €203.4 million.
More than half of this budgetary envelope was deployed to support preventive action in the labour market, totalling €169 million.
In all, the theme accounted for more than 33% of the overall ESF budgetary envelope, totalling almost €2 billion.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming
Improving institutional capacities at a national, regional and local level
Reducing costs hindering the development of outermost regions (OMR)
Technical assistance
Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit
The information Society
Environment and risk prevention
Urban/rural regeneration
Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers
Improving access to employment and sustainability
Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons
Development of human capital
Investments in social infrastructure
Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Cover (Page Cover)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Summary (Page 1)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Summary (Page 2)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Summary (Page 3)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Reducing costs hindering the development of outermost regions (OMR) (Page 4)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Technical assistance (Page 5)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Technical assistance (Page 6)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 7)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 8)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 9)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 10)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 11)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 12)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 13)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 14)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 15)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 16)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 17)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 18)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 19)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 20)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 21)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 22)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 23)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 24)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 25)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 26)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 27)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 28)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 29)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 30)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 31)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 32)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 33)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 34)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 35)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 36)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 37)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 38)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 39)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 40)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 41)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 42)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 43)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 44)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 45)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 46)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 47)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 48)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 49)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 50)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 51)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 52)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 53)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 54)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 55)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 56)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Investments in social infrastructure (Page 57)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Investments in social infrastructure (Page 58)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion (Page 59)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion (Page 60)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion (Page 61)