Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - (Page 37)
Business park dedicated to the
ecoconstruction sector
d'agglomération des deux
rives de la Seine
€1,405,099 ERDF
The Communaute d'agglomeration des Deux Rives de la Seine (CA2RS - the Seine shores urban community) has undertaken a huge action
plan aimed positioning the 2 Rives de Seine area as a flagship for the new centre of excellence for ecoconstruction launched via the Seine
Aval Integrated Urban project. The CA2RS is keen to inject dynamism into the future Ecopôle, which will be a business area devoted
to industrial ecoconstruction activities directly connected to the waterway. With this in mind, a business park specially devoted to the
economic stakeholders in this industry has been created. Baptised «Fabrique 21», this eco-construction business park meets a number
of important requirements. Firstly, making this a key location for know-how, a place where you can «get things done» when it comes to
enhancing the standing of and providing access to all sustainable housing trades and services. Secondly, it makes it possible to clearly
demonstrate that it is possible to carry out a construction project for a combined business park incorporating as many environmental
aspects as possible. Finally, this park also makes it possible to create a locality unique of its kind in the Paris region, bringing together
on the same site companies involved in building or renovating housing with a focus on sustainable development. More generally, this
operation seeks to remedy the structural difficulties encountered in the area, to boost employment and to improve the attractiveness of
the area for companies while also encouraging the development of specific sectors (eco-industries, eco-construction and energy efficiency,
mechatronics, etc.) and service sector activities related to the industry, to the knowledge economy and to the IT sector.
In addition to this theme, the European cohesion policy for
2007-2013 included a specific urban aspect aimed at supporting
districts experiencing difficulties, by acting at a conurbation-wide
level :
* With reference to article 8 of the ERDF rules, the strategic
national reference framework for the programmes covered by
the European economic and social cohesion policy included a
chapter specifically devoted to urban areas, and in particular
those most in difficulty. It invited the regional prefects to
finance projects put forward by the urban areas or towns and
cities having entered into urban social cohesion contracts
(contrats urbain de cohesion sociale or CUCS), giving priority
to participative initiatives and based on a comprehensive
strategy fully incorporating the districts in difficulty and their
local environments as part of the overall dynamic regional
development process. The managing authorities were invited
to carry out this selection by means of project tenders, the
schedule of conditions for which were drafted at a regional
level by the SGAR working closely with the regional councils.
* In addition to the noteworthy urban aspects of the
programmes, these feature thematic intervention priorities
which may also contribute to the integration of districts within
towns in the fields of sustainable urban transport, energy
efficiency, support for small businesses or the regeneration
of industrial wasteland.
Mobilo'web, a system for developing the use of multimedia resources
Integrated urban project (Grenoble)
Grenoble Alpes Métropole
€ 40 000 per annum ERDF
Mobilo'web is a multimedia project put forward by Grenoble Alpes Métropole. Operational
since 2006 in the districts of Grenoble, Seyssinet-Pariset, Pont-de-Claix, Echirolles, Fontaine
and Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux, it has today been extended to all priority districts throughout
the urban area.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming
Improving institutional capacities at a national, regional and local level
Reducing costs hindering the development of outermost regions (OMR)
Technical assistance
Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit
The information Society
Environment and risk prevention
Urban/rural regeneration
Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers
Improving access to employment and sustainability
Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons
Development of human capital
Investments in social infrastructure
Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Cover (Page Cover)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Summary (Page 1)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Summary (Page 2)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Summary (Page 3)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Reducing costs hindering the development of outermost regions (OMR) (Page 4)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Technical assistance (Page 5)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Technical assistance (Page 6)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 7)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 8)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 9)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 10)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 11)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 12)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 13)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 14)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 15)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 16)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 17)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 18)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 19)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 20)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 21)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 22)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 23)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 24)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 25)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 26)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 27)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 28)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 29)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 30)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 31)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 32)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 33)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 34)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 35)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 36)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 37)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 38)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 39)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 40)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 41)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 42)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 43)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 44)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 45)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 46)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 47)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 48)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 49)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 50)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 51)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 52)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 53)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 54)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 55)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 56)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Investments in social infrastructure (Page 57)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Investments in social infrastructure (Page 58)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion (Page 59)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion (Page 60)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion (Page 61)