The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES - (Page 59)

Fr ee t i m e culture, leisure and sporting activities B MAJOR CULTURAL EVENTS AND FESTIVALS Rennes offers a wealth of cultural activities. Here are just a few of the many events that take place throughout the year. * Heritage days: one-off free entry to historic monuments * Le Space: agriculture show October * TAM TAM: Rennes Métropole welcome festival, with a special welcome reserved for foreign students. An event for young people aged 15-30 * Marmaille: kid's festival (dance, puppets, mimes) * Tout Rennes court: a day dedicated to jogging * Festival des sciences: a national science festival November * Jazz à l'Ouest: jazz festival (with performers from across Europe and the USA) * Mettre en scène: dance and theatre festival * Yaouank: Breton culture festival December/January * Les Trans Musicales: A famous music festival * Les rockeurs ont du cœur: a concert based on the principle of «one toy donated = one ticket» Learn more: Les "Trans Musicales" © D. Levasseur February La nuit des 4 jeudis Social events (concerts, shows, workshops, and sport) held in different locations around the city. * Travelling: film festival and children's version Travelling Junior March/April * Rennes international: expo * Quartiers en scène: theatre festival * Mythos: storytelling festival For further information : The monthly «Agenda des Sorties» contains over 100 ideas for cultural events and outings. May/June * Rock and Solex: music festival and Solex racing, organised by INSA students * La nuit des musées: night time visits to museums (activities...) * Rennes sur roulettes: a day dedicated to rollerskating around Rennes * Fête du cinéma: 3 days of reduced price film. July/August * Les tombées de la nuit: sound and theatre festival * Quartiers d'été: Rennes Métropole festival for young people (concerts, films, games, activities) * Transat en ville: relaxing and concerts. September La Fête de la musique © C. Ablain / Rennes Métropole 59

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES

Sommaire : Fr
Présentation de Rennes
A La ville de Rennes
B Le Centre de mobilité internationale de Rennes
Formalités d’entrée et de séjour
A Obtenir un visa
B Obtenir un titre de séjour
S’assurer et se soigner
A Sécurité sociale et assurance santé
B L'accès aux soins
Se loger
A Chercher un logement
B Informations pratiques
C Avant l’installation
D Garantie et caution solidaire
Banque et argent
A Ouvrir un compte
B Coût de la vie
C Impôts
D Retraites
Venir avec sa famille
A Démarches administratives
B Système éducatif
C Scolarité
D Modes de garde des enfants en bas âge
E Travail pour les conjoints
F Allocations familiales
G Chômage et droits des étrangers
Vie quotidienne
A Se restaurer
B Se déplacer
C Apprendre le français
D Communiquer
Temps libre : culture, loisirs, activités sportives
A Centres d’information
B Evénements culturels
C Loisirs, détente
D Activités sportives
Contacts utiles
Table of contents : En
Welcome to Rennes
A The city of Rennes
B The Rennes International Mobility Centre
Entry and residency formalities
A Obtaining a visa
B Obtaining un titre de séjour (residency permit)
Health insurance and health care
A Social security and health insurance
B Access to health care
A Finding somewhere to live
B Practical information
C Before moving in
D Deposit and co-signing
Banks and money
A Opening an account
B The cost of living
C Income tax
D Retirement pensions
Coming with your family
A Administrative procedures
B Educational system
C Schools
D Childcare facilities for young children
E Organising work for your spouse
F Family allowances/benefits
G Unemployment and the Rights of Foreigners
Daily life
A Eating
B Getting around
C Learning French
D Communicating
Free time : culture, leisure and sporting activities
A Where to get information
B Cultural events and festivals
C Leisure activities
D Sporting activities
Useful contacts

The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES