The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES - (Page 33)

B ank s and money The above information relates to researchers and those PhD students who benefit from the scientific procedure. Other cases should refer to the 'International students' guide'. A OPENING AN ACCOUNT Some useful banking terms : Compte-chèques : current (checking) account into which you pay the money, such as salaries and grants, that you receive and which enables you to pay your everyday expenses, such as your rent, books, and those connected with leisure time activities. In France, this current (checking) account can be called a compte, compte de dépôts, compte courant, or compte bancaire. Agios : overdraft bank charges, imposed when the overdraft limit has been exceeded. Carte de paiement : debit card with which you can pay for goods and services and withdraw money from cash dispensers. Carte de retrait : bank card which only allows you to withdraw money from cash dispensers. During your stay in France, you will most likely need to open a bank account for your international money transfers, and to receive French government benefits (family allowance, refunded medical fees, CAF, etc.) and your salary. All foreigners living in France for a period of at least 3 months can open a resident's bank account, which will enable them to have a cheque book and a cheque card, which will be either a debit card or a card that can only be used to withdraw money from cash dispensers. You will need to have three documents with you in order to open a bank account: o Your passport and a photocopy of it o Proof of address (rent receipt, utility bill, etc.) o Employment contract, study agreement, proof of scholarship. In addition, after your account has been opened, you will be asked to deposit a minimum amount of money, which is usually about e15. Bank charges: Your bank can charge you: * monthly management fees; * annual bank card fees; * overdraft fees, if you exceed your agreed overdraft limit. Closing your bank account To request that your bank account be closed, you must first make sure that no operation involving, for example, bills, cheques, salary, standing orders, and direct debits is active on your account. You must also send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to your bank. A model letter for requesting the closing of a bank account is available at the CMI Rennes. DAB : Distributeur Automatique de Billets - cash dispenser (cashomat (U.S.)). Endosser : to endorse a cheque, i.e. to sign your name and account number on the back of a cheque. GAB : Guichet Automatique de Banque - cash dispenser where you can carry out a range of banking operations. Interdit bancaire : suspension of your banking privileges ; an action which is communicated to all banks. Prélèvement automatique : standing order (GB), direct debit order (GB), automatic deduction order/ checkoff (US). RIB : relevé d'identité bancaire - bank identification form, details of one's bank account. This can easily be obtained from the bank where you have your account. Your employer will ask you for a RIB so that your salary can be paid into your bank account. Solde : balance - the amount of money held in your account. Virement : the transfer of money to another account. How to make payments : As well as paying in cash, there are other easy-to-use methods of payment : o Carte de paiement (debit card) : a bank card used to make payments and withdraw money. You must enter your 4 digit PIN code when paying by card, and take care that nobody can see your code. You must learn this code by heart and keep it secret. o Chèque Cheque(GB)/check (US) : when you pay by cheque, you must not forget to date and sign it, to fill in the name of the payee, and to check that the amount shown in figures is the same as that written in letters. o Prélèvement automatique: You can pay your regular bills (rent, water, etc.) by authorising direct debits from your bank account. 33

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES

Sommaire : Fr
Présentation de Rennes
A La ville de Rennes
B Le Centre de mobilité internationale de Rennes
Formalités d’entrée et de séjour
A Obtenir un visa
B Obtenir un titre de séjour
S’assurer et se soigner
A Sécurité sociale et assurance santé
B L'accès aux soins
Se loger
A Chercher un logement
B Informations pratiques
C Avant l’installation
D Garantie et caution solidaire
Banque et argent
A Ouvrir un compte
B Coût de la vie
C Impôts
D Retraites
Venir avec sa famille
A Démarches administratives
B Système éducatif
C Scolarité
D Modes de garde des enfants en bas âge
E Travail pour les conjoints
F Allocations familiales
G Chômage et droits des étrangers
Vie quotidienne
A Se restaurer
B Se déplacer
C Apprendre le français
D Communiquer
Temps libre : culture, loisirs, activités sportives
A Centres d’information
B Evénements culturels
C Loisirs, détente
D Activités sportives
Contacts utiles
Table of contents : En
Welcome to Rennes
A The city of Rennes
B The Rennes International Mobility Centre
Entry and residency formalities
A Obtaining a visa
B Obtaining un titre de séjour (residency permit)
Health insurance and health care
A Social security and health insurance
B Access to health care
A Finding somewhere to live
B Practical information
C Before moving in
D Deposit and co-signing
Banks and money
A Opening an account
B The cost of living
C Income tax
D Retirement pensions
Coming with your family
A Administrative procedures
B Educational system
C Schools
D Childcare facilities for young children
E Organising work for your spouse
F Family allowances/benefits
G Unemployment and the Rights of Foreigners
Daily life
A Eating
B Getting around
C Learning French
D Communicating
Free time : culture, leisure and sporting activities
A Where to get information
B Cultural events and festivals
C Leisure activities
D Sporting activities
Useful contacts

The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES