The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES - (Page 29)

H o u s i ng * Temporary accommodation you can stay in and FJT for several weeks or monthes whilst looking for more permanent accommodation. * For those aged under 30. Flat-sharing * This may be a great idea for both practical and financial reasons. Some websites require you to pay to use them. CROUS university accommodation CROUS 7, place Hoche 35064 Rennes Cedex Cité internationale Opened in 2016, the Cité internationale Paul Ricœur offers 79 accommodation for international PhD students and researchers in the heart of the city centre. For further information: Host institution accommodation: Sometimes, the host institution may provide accommodation for French and foreign PhD students. For more information, contact directly the international relations department of the institution in question. Rent controlled accommodation (HLM - habitation à loyer modéré): * Requires residence permit for over 3 months * Long waiting list Ville de Rennes - Service Habitat Social 19B rue de Chatillon (centre d'affaires Sud-gare) BP 3126 - 35031 Rennes Cedex Tel. +33 (0)2 23 62 16 30,5028 Espacil Habitat - HLM for students Reserved for the under-30s for the ESPACIL student residences. Rennes IMC can help you with your application. 1 rue du Scorff - CS 54221 35042 Rennes Cedex Tel. +33 (0)2 99 83 41 08 B PRACTICAL INFORMATION Various types of accommodation are offered by both estate agencies and by private individuals. There are rooms (most often in private houses), studios (flats of between 20 m2 and 30 m2 in size, with a small kitchen area and a bathroom), and T1, T2, T3, etc. flats (otherwise called F1, F2, F3, etc.), categorised as such according to the number of rooms in addition to the kitchen or kitchenette and the bathroom. Small ads - the most common abbreviations : chges or ch: charges CC: charges comprises charges included TTC: toutes taxes comprises - including tax kitch: kitchenette balc: balcon - balcony ascen: ascenseur - lift/ elevator part: particulier - private owner (as opposed to agency) C BEFORE MOVING IN There are several steps you need to take before you can move in to your accommodation: * Sign a lease: A lease, known as a «bail» in French, is compulsory. It must be signed by the tenant (you) and the landlord (the owner, also known as a lessor, or bailleur). The lease must be for at least 3 years. The period is a minimum of 3 years for unfurnished rented accommodation, with a 3 months notice period, and a minimum of 1 year for furnished rented accommodation, with a 1 month notice period. * Take an inventory: An inventory is the detailed description of the property and any furnishings. It is used to compare the initial condition of the property with the condition it is in when you leave, and determines any repairs that must be made, and whether the owner of the tenant has to pay for them. * Provide co-signer (caution solidaire) and a deposit (dépôt de garantie). See «Co-signer or deposit» section for more information. * Take out buildings insurance (assurance habitation): it is compulsory to insure your accommodation so that you are protected against any risks (fire, water damage, etc.). You may take out a policy with an insurance company, a bank, or a private insurer, and the policy must be provided to the owner when you move in to the accommodation. Tip: choose a «multirisques habitation» policy that includes civil liability insurance. For more information: CDIA (Centre de documentation et d'information de l'assurance) * Register for electricity and gas: 29,5028

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES

Sommaire : Fr
Présentation de Rennes
A La ville de Rennes
B Le Centre de mobilité internationale de Rennes
Formalités d’entrée et de séjour
A Obtenir un visa
B Obtenir un titre de séjour
S’assurer et se soigner
A Sécurité sociale et assurance santé
B L'accès aux soins
Se loger
A Chercher un logement
B Informations pratiques
C Avant l’installation
D Garantie et caution solidaire
Banque et argent
A Ouvrir un compte
B Coût de la vie
C Impôts
D Retraites
Venir avec sa famille
A Démarches administratives
B Système éducatif
C Scolarité
D Modes de garde des enfants en bas âge
E Travail pour les conjoints
F Allocations familiales
G Chômage et droits des étrangers
Vie quotidienne
A Se restaurer
B Se déplacer
C Apprendre le français
D Communiquer
Temps libre : culture, loisirs, activités sportives
A Centres d’information
B Evénements culturels
C Loisirs, détente
D Activités sportives
Contacts utiles
Table of contents : En
Welcome to Rennes
A The city of Rennes
B The Rennes International Mobility Centre
Entry and residency formalities
A Obtaining a visa
B Obtaining un titre de séjour (residency permit)
Health insurance and health care
A Social security and health insurance
B Access to health care
A Finding somewhere to live
B Practical information
C Before moving in
D Deposit and co-signing
Banks and money
A Opening an account
B The cost of living
C Income tax
D Retirement pensions
Coming with your family
A Administrative procedures
B Educational system
C Schools
D Childcare facilities for young children
E Organising work for your spouse
F Family allowances/benefits
G Unemployment and the Rights of Foreigners
Daily life
A Eating
B Getting around
C Learning French
D Communicating
Free time : culture, leisure and sporting activities
A Where to get information
B Cultural events and festivals
C Leisure activities
D Sporting activities
Useful contacts

The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES