\.(T hen people talk about A.T. Kearney, th ey inevitably use such terms as " fricndly,' " down to earth,' " excepti onally motivated,' and "team-oricnted." The sum of these qualitics is a sense o f community, o ne whcre new consultants are warmly we1co med and their wo rk is highly valued. Look for us o n campus. 1\1 eet o ur people. Expe rience it for yourscIf- the cornmuniry thar is A.T. Kearney. To apply fo r our graduate intakc , please submit rOUf cv and covering lcttcr to : Anne-Claire Lethbridge A.T. Keamey 44, rue de Lisbonne 75008 Paris recruteme nt@atkeam ey.co m ~·~ T E K ARN EY wwwatkeamey.com wwwarkearn ey.frhttp://www.atkearney.fr http://www.atkeamey.com http://www.atkearney.fr