ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - 23

focus Spécial École Turin W CP: Jérôme Arowas –ESCP-EAP CP: Jérôme Arowas –ESCP-EAP elcoming a new student is a very special moment: the School adds a precious talent to its community and the student joins an environment which will support him throughout his professional life. As an ESCP-EAP alumni myself, I feel a special duty to make sure you will be able to make the best of what the School and its community has to offer, in order to be successful, both professionally and personally. The Italian ESCP-EAP campus was founded in 2004 by a Development Committee of professionals and alumni, among whom were our President Daniele Ciravegna and myself. In Italy we serve both students with Masters Programs, as the Italian campus of ESCP-EAP, and the business community, with a complete offer of executive education, applied research and entrepreneurship services. Strong links with the business community are for sure one of the key characteristics of the Italian campus (over half of our activities are with the corporate world). This leads to a benefit for students, who can take advantage of the relationships of the School in the development of their academic and extra academic curricula, for example in terms of company projects, internships, applied research studies, entrepreneurial opportunities and contributions of managers and professionals during the year. « In Italy, we serve both students and the business community. » Academically, we offer you the highest international standards of ESCP-EAP and its world class certifications : EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. In particular we aim at preparing the next ruling class, a community of exceptional people trained to be capable of taking managerial decisions on behalf on their companies and institutions. With this purpose in mind, our didactics are centred on preparing you as a future decision maker in a complex economic context. This means providing you with the necessary knowledge and more importantly with the skills and attitudes required of such a role. Action learning has proven to be a powerful methodology and we adopt it as much as possible, by including in our didactics case studies and real life situations which can make you practice the role of decision-maker. This approach will be provide you with excitement and learning opportunities, but with some frustration too, as you will realise that management is not an exact science but a professional practice, in which there is no one solution to a given problem. For this reason no knowledge will be enough to enable you to take the right decisions, but rather you will need to develop the skills of a problem solver and a decision maker, who can lead an organisation in a business environment, which will be substantially different from that of today in most of its elements, except one: people. Teamwork is therefore another key element of the equation, which you will practice from your very first class. Finally, I encourage you to enjoy Torino, Italy and your colleagues; as an alumni myself I can assure you that you will spend one of the best periods of your life. l Roberto QUAGLIA [97 BE] Director of the Turino campus Students join an environnement which will support them throughout their professionnal life. DR CP: Jérôme Arowas –ESCP-EAP Spend one of the best moments of your life… ESCP-EAP MAGAZINE N° 118 - Mai 2008

Table des matières de la publication ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008

Personnalité du mois: Delphine MANCEAU (90)
Vie du réseau
Evolution professionnelle
A lire
Vie étudiante

ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008

ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Couverture (Page 1)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Couverture (Page 2)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Communication (Page 3)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Communication (Page 4)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Zapping (Page 5)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Zapping (Page 6)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Sommaire (Page 7)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Sommaire (Page 8)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Sommaire (Page 9)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Personnalité du mois: Delphine MANCEAU (90) (Page 10)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Personnalité du mois: Delphine MANCEAU (90) (Page 11)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Personnalité du mois: Delphine MANCEAU (90) (Page 12)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Personnalité du mois: Delphine MANCEAU (90) (Page 13)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Personnalité du mois: Delphine MANCEAU (90) (Page 14)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Focus (Page 15)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Focus (Page 16)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Focus (Page 17)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Focus (Page 18)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Zoom (Page 19)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Zoom (Page 20)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Zoom (Page 21)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Zoom (Page 22)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Zoom (Page 23)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Zoom (Page 24)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Itinéraires (Page 25)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Itinéraires (Page 26)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Itinéraires (Page 27)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Itinéraires (Page 28)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Itinéraires (Page 29)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Itinéraires (Page 30)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Entretiens (Page 31)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Entretiens (Page 32)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Entretiens (Page 33)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Entretiens (Page 34)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Entretiens (Page 35)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Entretiens (Page 36)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Entretiens (Page 37)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie du réseau (Page 38)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie du réseau (Page 39)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie du réseau (Page 40)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie du réseau (Page 41)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie du réseau (Page 42)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie du réseau (Page 43)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie du réseau (Page 44)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie du réseau (Page 45)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie du réseau (Page 46)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie du réseau (Page 47)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Evolution professionnelle (Page 48)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Evolution professionnelle (Page 49)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Evolution professionnelle (Page 50)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Voyages (Page 51)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Voyages (Page 52)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Voyages (Page 53)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Voyages (Page 54)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - A lire (Page 55)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - A lire (Page 56)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Ecole (Page 57)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Fondation (Page 58)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Fondation (Page 59)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Fondation (Page 60)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Fondation (Page 61)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie étudiante (Page 62)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie étudiante (Page 63)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie étudiante (Page 64)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie étudiante (Page 65)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie étudiante (Page 66)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie étudiante (Page 67)
ESCP-EAP Mag - n°118 - Mai 2008 - Vie étudiante (Page 68)